December 20, 2018

Epitome of Humility: Shaykh Muhammad Ayyub A’zimi (Part One)

Epitome of Humility: Shaykh Muhammad Ayyub A’zimi (Part One) By Mawlana Yusuf Laher Foreword In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, Most Merciful. All praise […]
December 19, 2018

Tafseer Surah Al Balad 90:

Tafseer Surah Al Balad 90: Allah (swt) begins this surah by taking an oath against the holy city of Makkah and this is connected to the […]
December 19, 2018

***72 signs of Qayamat***

***72 signs of Qayamat***   1. People will leave prayer. 2. People will usurp Ama’naat. 3. Lying will become an Art. 4. There will be murders […]
December 19, 2018

The Conditions of the Shahadah to Be Accepted by Allah

The Conditions of the Shahadah to Be Accepted by Allah It is not enough that one merely utter the Shahadah for it to be accepted by […]