Prayer of Ishraq (Sunrise prayer)
January 23, 2019
SubhanAllah This Is One Of My Favourite Ayaat! 
When we get struck by a calamity, loss of a loved one, health issues, not getting that dream job and the scenarios are unlimited our initial reaction is that of dismay and ingratitude. We lose hope, we complain, we fail to see the wisdom. We wonder why Allah took away something and someone we loved so dearly.
With time, increase in knowledge and tawfeeq from Allah we realize our mistake and wonder if Allah will forgive us for the way we acted or misbehaved while dealing with the loss.
This ayah reassures us that He ArRahman ArRaheem won’t just replace our loss with something much better but Allah Al Gafoor will forgive us as well.
Subhan’Allah, indeed in the verses of the Quran are words that illuminate one’s heart with comfort and healing.
Alhumdulillah for the blessed and wise Quran.
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