The Story of Hazrat Ubay ibn Ka`b
A Khazraji from the Ansaar, he took Bay`at (pledged allegiance) to
Rasulullaah r with seventy others in Al-Aqabah Al- Thaaniya An a Mujahid in the path of Allah He witnessed every battel with Rasulullah.
He was called (Abu Munzir) and he was one of those to memorise the
Quran all of it in the time of RasuLullah one of those who missed the time of Rasulullahan He was a scribe or wahi Revelation Imagine that of this was gathered in Hazrat Ubay Ibn Kab
ibn Qais ibn Ubaid Al-Khazraji Al-Ansaari t, because of that it is not strange
that Rasulullaah r used to say: “Ubay is the leader of the Ansaar.”
Ubay ibn Kab was one of those from whom hastened towards islam and one of the first of the belivers upon the hands of Hazrat Musab Ibn Umair
The Qur`aan had delighted him with the sweetness of its words and
beauty of its meaning so much so that it owned his entire life. He
loved Rasulullaah r without seeing him.
He desired to meet him so he hurried to him until the Ansaar came
out to meet Rasulullaah r in Al-Aqabah Al Thaaniya.
There, Hadhrat Ubay t viewed the face of Rasulullaah r and his
certainty in his prophethood and knowledge of is truthfulness had
only increased. He returned to Madinah happy because of the
meeting with Rasulullaah r enthusiastic for his second meeting.
The days began passing by slowly until it was happiest of days for all
the people Madinah. Rasulullaah r had definitely come as a Muhaajir
to Madinah. Its conditions/corners had lit up and
become like the bride which they decorate so that she be married of
to her companion. Rasulullaah r built his Musjid so that it will be a
gathering place for the Muslims in which they will gather upon the
Kalimah of unity. And a Madressa in which he will teach the
foundation and its teachings.
In the school of Nabuwah, the distinguished student, Hazrat Ubay bin Kab t obtained the teachings of Nabuwah. Rasulullaah r made him a scribe for Wahi (revelation). Hadhrat Ubay t then placed his pen on his ear waiting for when Nabi r will command him to write the verses of Allaah. The then new verses will be revealed and Hadhrat Ubay t will open his heart for the wonders of the wise mentioning All of a sudden his heart will clear up with so much so that it used to become like a clear white mirror.He raised the voice of Imaan in his heart, rather, there was not voice besides the voice of Hadhrat Ubay bin Kab t singing it. Rasulullaah
r brought him close to him in his gathering. Hadhrat Ubay bin Kab to became the most knowledgeable o the muslims with the Quran. Rasulullaah r came out saying to Hadhrat Ubay bin Ka`b t: “Verily
Allaah has commanded me to recite to you:
“Surah Bayyiniyya)
Hadhrat Ubay t then said in astonishment: “Did Allaah take tell you
my name O Rasulullaah r?” Rasulullaah r: “yes.”
Hadhrat Ubay t was then not deceived because of his knowledge or
by the pleasure of Allaah. Rather he left crying out of happiness
because of the grace of Allaah and His mercy. Because of that the
Muslims should be happy.
In another place, Rasulullaah r said to Hadhrat Ubay bin Kab Verily i was ccommaned that i will submit the Quran
to you”
Hadhrat Ubay t then said: “In Allaah I believe, upon your hand I have acceppted
Islaam, from you I have learnt.”
Rasulullaah r repeated these words behind Hadhrat Kab and repeated what he said to Hadhrat Kab
Hadhrat Kab then said: “O Rasulullaah r, What did you mention there? (i.e. in the words)” Rasulullaah r said: “How beautiful is your name and your lineage in the heavens (amongst the angels) “ Hadhrat Ubay t said: “Permit me to recite to you O Rasulullaah r.” He recited to Rasulullaah r and Hadhrat Ubay t cried out of happiness due to the Grace of Allaah. Like this Hadhrat Ubay t committed himself to the Quraan and memorised all of it in the timeof Rasulullaah
Nabi r intended to direct the vision of the Muslims to the knowledge
of Hazrat Ubay t and his understanding. He then said to Hadhrat
Ubay t: “O Abu Al-Munzir, Do you know which verse of the Qur`aan
is the greatest?”
Hadhrat Ubay t then said: “Allaah, there is no
god besides Him, The Ever living, The Maintainer (of everything)
Rasulullaah r was happy with the knowledge of Hadhrat Ubay t and
his understanding. He then struck him on his chest congratulating
him saying: “May the knowledge definitely benefit you O Abu Al-
Munzir”After the death of Rasulullaah r the Muslims used to consult Hadhrat Ubay t in their matters of Deen. He was definitely a Faqeeh in the matters Islaam and its shariat Laws When Hadhrat Abu Bakr t intended that he and Hadhrat Umar t will gather the Quraan, Hadhrat Ubay bin Kab t was the one who used to dictate the Quraan to Hadhrat Zaid ibn Thaabit t who used to
write it with his hand.
He repeated the position a second time in the time of Hadhrat
Uthmaan ibn Affaan t. Hadhrat Umar t used to see in Harat Ubay bin Kab t an example of the believer who made necessary that he will be free for knowledge without having any other work ,then he did not seek assistance from him upon authority or government. Then when Hadhrat Ubay t asked him? “Why don’t you use me? Hadhrat Umar t said: “I fear that it will pollute your Deen.” The Ulema are from the likes of Hadhrat Ubay t, it is necessary that there will be no devotedness for them except for the Quraan.
And nothing will occupy them from it. Hadhrat Umar t knew well
that Hazrat Ubay used to complete the entire Quraan in eight nights. He used to say: “Whoever intends to ask regarding the Quraan
should go to Ubay bin Ka`b” and Hadhrat Umar t named him:
“Leader of the Muslims and gave him the title (Abu Al-Tufail)”
When Hadhrat Umar t gathered the Muslims for Taraaweeh Salaah,
he did not find a better Imam for the Muslims than Hazrat Ubay Ibn Kab
They gathered upon the voice of Hadhrat Ubay t leading them in Salaah. When Hadhrat Ali t passed the Musjid of Rasulullaah r in the night. Whilst making whudhu, the light of the Quraan and lights of
the (Masaabeeh) was coming from him whilst the voice of Hadhrat
Ubay t was chanting with the Quraan. He said: “May Allaah lighten the grave of Umar like how He lit for us our Musjid.” One day Hadhrat Ubay bin Kab t said: “O Rasulullaah
? What is the recompense for the fever?”
He then said: “The good follows the one who did it whether”
or …
Hadhrat Ubay t then said: “O Allaah, verily I am asking You for such
a fever which will not prevent me from coming out in Your path nor
to your house, and musjid of Your Nabi r Allaah Ta`aala had
accepted the Dua of Ubay.”
He continued to be feverish except that he used to come out for
Jihaad, Salaah and Hajj. He definitely gained the reward of the sick
and the reward of obedience and worship.
Thereafter once he said: “There is nothing for a slave who leaves out
something for Allaah U except that Allaah exchanges it for him with
something better from where he cannot imagine.”
Many times tears would choke him and the flow crying upon the
time of Rasulullaah r. The Muslims were not upon him from good
at the time the revelation used to be revealed
to Rasulullaah r with all the good they were learning it, memorising it specially he himself who was a scribe for Rasulullaah r. He will be
waiting for the new verses of Allaah that he will write with his hand
and repeat it with his tongue and memorise it with his heart.
Thereafter he would come out uttering it. He then gathered the
knowledge and action. (i.e. practised upon the knowledge.)
When he shouted it: “We were with Rasulullaah r and our faces
would become one Then when Rasulullaah r would separate from us our faces would come and go to the right and left.”
He used to cry due to a lot rememberance of Allaah, pondering and
contemplation over the day of Qiyaamah and would conditions and
difficulties would occur in it.
When Hadhrat Ubay t perceived the closeness of corruption, and the
rushing of the world and its beauty upon the Muslims, he set out to
do a lot of worship and obedience and hoped to meet Allaah until
death reached him in the thirtieth year before he saw with his own
eyes the swords of the Muslims being raised against each. May
Allaah have mercy upon the leader of the Ansaar, and leader of the
Migration of the Muslims to Abyssinia.
December 26, 2020The Story of Hazrat Abu Talha Zaid ibn Sahal
January 12, 2021