Say Assalaamu Alykum Before You Begin Speaking. [Tirmidhi]

Duties of Children Towards their Parents:
September 9, 2019
Be Truthful. [Muslim]
September 16, 2019

Say Assalaamu Alykum Before You Begin Speaking. [Tirmidhi]

Say Assalaamu alykum before you begin speaking.


Lessons learnt from this Hadith:

1. Whenever we meet another Muslim we should greet him/her with the words Assalaamu alykum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuhu.

2. The word ‘Assalaamu alykum’ means “May peace be upon you”

3. If we greet with SALAAM we will be making dua for one another.

4. We should not say “Hi!, Hello, Good day or Good morning” as these are not Islamic greetings.

5. We should always be the first to greet. The one who greets first receives more reward and it will protect one from having pride.



Hadhrat Abdullah D was the son of Hadhrat Umar R.A   He had seen Rasulullah j greet everybody, old and young,
rich and poor. Rasulullah j also greeted children.
Hadhrat Abdullah D loved Rasulullah j so he tried to imitate him in making salaam. He made it a habit to pass
through the market only to greet people. He greeted everybody he met, the shopkeepers, the passers-by and
the children.

One day someone asked him, “You come daily to the shops but you never buy or sell anything. You don’t even stop to chat to anyone. Why then do you come to the market?”
Hadhrat Abdullah R.A replied, “I come to the market only to make salaam to the people.”